There are some cool new things in the new version, but I'm a little shocked at how many of the new version 11 features and formerly Pro exclusive features Artist and Elements are getting - especially VariAudio 3 in Artist - I have to believe they must be working on a Polyphonic VariAudio to differentiate Pro from Artist and Elements.ĭespite Artist and Elements getting the Tone Assistant, it's hilarious that Chord Assistant Proximity Mode and Music XML features are limited to Pro. I believe the big winner here is the Artist version. NEW: VariAudio to edit mono audio tracks like notes on a MIDI track, generate automatic harmonization and create auto-tuning effects (Might Pro get the ability to edit POLYPHONIC audio tracks?!?!?!? ) Powerful sample editor for all common audio work NEW: Tone assistant, chord track and chord pads to compose with scales and chords in a creative and playful way (How might is be enhanced in Pro?) NEW: SpectraLayers One to visualize and clean up your sound or separate vocals from any types of audio data (Pro ?) Compiler tool to create the perfect version of a recording from multiple takes Huge library with thousands of instrument sounds, sound loops Complete set of 8 leading instruments - over 2,600 sounds - including HALion Sonic SE 3, Groove Agent SE 5, Padshop 2 and Retrologue (Pro?)

Suite containing over 70 high-quality VST audio and MIDI effects, including Pitch Correct for correcting vocals, VST Amp Rack and VST Bass Amp, Quadrafuzz and many more NEW: Unlimited number of audio (used to be 64), instrument and MIDI tracks (used to be 128), up to 32 physical inputs and outputs

If Artist is getting features which were historically only available in Pro, you have to assume that Pro is enhancing those features to differentiate it from Artist.įamous Steinberg 64-bit floating point audio engine with versatile routing and automatic latency compensation